Thursday, 17 May 2012


Tuesday we're going around places that are participating in artweeks which should be good. I'm sure I will be updating with that and pictures from it too soon.

Me knitting??

<p>So I didn't think I was the knitting type but hey I enjoyed it, I even took it home to do more. <br>
For the show we were knitting golden thread like in the fairy tale Rumpelstiltskin.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Gallery space

So here one view of the gallery space, we also had the corridor to use if we needed it which was used in the end.

Plans for photograpy

 I did send a lot a getting a new dslr camera a while ago and brought a new lense for it, that I didn't end up using in my work but no regrets on the amount I spent completely worth it. I spent a lot of time walking around taking photo's to get used to my camera. I think now though I've got the hang of most things.

I will probably spend a lot of time in the holidays taking photo's and writing about why I took them on my blog. I already been speaking about going to a safari which will be a great chance to take some photo's of my favourite subject, animals which is only second to nature.

It's artweeks and this will be another good time to get photo's of people artwork and write up about it on here.


My picture of a tree bark and the texture on it is amazing. I had planned at one point it push clay into a tree bark to get the texture but never did. I didn't really have much more planned on it though I could have made a box or something from it.

To use or not to use?

So this is a picture of my work that I decided I might want to display. Now I look at it I didn't use any material prints in the end but I quite like them and could use them for something in the future outside college. I did mention overlaying my prints and I quite how they look over layed in this photo but at the time it didn't work how I had wanted it too.

Saturday, 12 May 2012


I did like badge making and was great to see people taking them. I do feel like bagdes are great for promotion. It's a little extra something to do once work done or images of work ready.

Paper forest

In all though I am pretty happy with my paper forest outcome. I feel like the ground on it was pretty plain. The cardboard box looked a bit tatty so I decided it would look better in a wooden box and it still links with using material from a tree. <br>

To display it for the show I just wanted to attached it to the wall though it would have worked on a plinth as well.
If I displayed and made a paper forest again I would make a series of them, probably about three.

The private view!

I feel like the private view went well. A high light for me was wen a visitor asked if I was simone and asked how I did it.
My family and friends enjoyed it though I think they forgot to write in the comments book.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012


Its strange to feel more or less done for the academic year.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Paper forest/woods completed?

So here a photo of my paper forest in a box, I quite like the outcome and how the blackground makes everything stand out. I had a conversation with a fellow class mate Keturah about putting lighting in it with a touch and tracing paper. It's something I will try.

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Floating feathers

This is the print I said I would upload since I've already got a picture of the plate on here.
I'm really happy with this one; it's one of my favourites. I like it because it look like a photo of feathers floating down.

I have enough prints to make a mini collection book of my findings in a woods or to mount some, even though they're samples I think I'll use them to be like a recording of findings. I still might do more on my 1st week back while I'm getting images onto a screen for printing. It's all go!!

Friday, 6 April 2012


I really want to use wire and modrock to make a small tree like a bonsai tree but I probably won't since I've got enough to do but I'm tempted. I still got a week+ left of holiday so who knows


I did this paper cut with a shadow in mind. I've done several different paper cut which are either, cutting out the positive or negative area but all are flat so for this I wanted it to be more 3D.
I like the outcome because it cast a good shadow that adds to the piece and also because the out cut background enhances it.

A birds footprints

I took this picture after christmas on my phone and decided to upload it since Hansel and Gretel fairytale talks about leaving trails and I thought about footprints for my idea on monoprints which is about logging what's on a forest floor.

Monoprinting bark?

I wanted to try printing tree bark since it has a closer link to my paper forest idea. I didn't know if it would work or not and to me it didn't really but the backside of the print you can tell much better what it is and I preferred it.
I also like the printing plate so snapped an image of it before I washed it.

Papercutting tree

This an image of a paper cut tree I did while I like papercutting I don't think I will do anymore as I should have all I need and I just need to make my paper forest.
I enjoyed doing it but it can be time consuming. I'm happy with the out come and if I did it again I think I want to do a bigger one, like an A0 tree or something.

Monoprintint feathers

Last week I monoprinted some on my zebra finches feathers. I did this because they're many types of birds mentioned in Grimm's fairytales and some rather small.
I'm quite happy with the outcome of it and this is the plate I used. I will upload the print later

Using my phone to blog

I don't really use my blog to much but will a bit more now I have the app on my phone but the images probs won't be as good and I'll try not to write in text language but might slip up here and there.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Bits and bobs

I've taken a lot of pictures recently and thought I would upload one. I plan on doing some monoprints of feathers and leafs in the near future hopefully on a Wednesday. I should only need two hour or so on it and then it’s one less thing on my ever growing list.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Strenghts and weakness

This is about my strengths on the processing idea’s project. I think were coming up with several different ideas. I also think experimenting with different media’s.

I think not planning everything out was a weakness. It would have been easier to keep track if I had. Another is having too many things on the go at once I should have finished one thing before starting a new task.