Thursday, 17 May 2012


Tuesday we're going around places that are participating in artweeks which should be good. I'm sure I will be updating with that and pictures from it too soon.

Me knitting??

<p>So I didn't think I was the knitting type but hey I enjoyed it, I even took it home to do more. <br>
For the show we were knitting golden thread like in the fairy tale Rumpelstiltskin.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Gallery space

So here one view of the gallery space, we also had the corridor to use if we needed it which was used in the end.

Plans for photograpy

 I did send a lot a getting a new dslr camera a while ago and brought a new lense for it, that I didn't end up using in my work but no regrets on the amount I spent completely worth it. I spent a lot of time walking around taking photo's to get used to my camera. I think now though I've got the hang of most things.

I will probably spend a lot of time in the holidays taking photo's and writing about why I took them on my blog. I already been speaking about going to a safari which will be a great chance to take some photo's of my favourite subject, animals which is only second to nature.

It's artweeks and this will be another good time to get photo's of people artwork and write up about it on here.


My picture of a tree bark and the texture on it is amazing. I had planned at one point it push clay into a tree bark to get the texture but never did. I didn't really have much more planned on it though I could have made a box or something from it.

To use or not to use?

So this is a picture of my work that I decided I might want to display. Now I look at it I didn't use any material prints in the end but I quite like them and could use them for something in the future outside college. I did mention overlaying my prints and I quite how they look over layed in this photo but at the time it didn't work how I had wanted it too.

Saturday, 12 May 2012


I did like badge making and was great to see people taking them. I do feel like bagdes are great for promotion. It's a little extra something to do once work done or images of work ready.